My wife suggested that I write down a little review for each one so I'll remember which ones I liked. Below are my reviews of the different beers.
The reviews are ordered chronologically. The first couple of reviews are fairly basic as I was still trying to determine what information to capture. Actually, I still struggle with how to describe the different aspects of a beer. For the last beer I reviewed I asked my son what he thought it smelled like. Since he is too young too drink he is not familiar with beer odors -hops, malts, etc - so he has to relate the smell to something else. He said it smelled like honey. I thought this was insightful. I may solicit his help on future reviews.
These are very unscientific reviews. I usually drank the beers right before dinner but there were other times I drank them in the evening. This may affect my perception of the beer. I'm not sure.
Brewer | Abita |
Beer | Purple Haze |
Type | Rasberry Wheat Brew |
Color | Light amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | |
Taste | Light taste, smooth, very little bitterness, very slight raspberry taste - not overpowing. |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Victory |
Beer | Prima |
Type | Pilsner |
Color | Very light yellow color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | |
Taste | Skunky bitterness. |
Comments | Did not like it - the bitterness was unpleasant. |
Rating | 3 |
Brewer | Hebrew |
Beer | Messiah Bold |
Type | Dark Brown Ale |
Color | Brown color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Malt aroma |
Taste | Mild bitterness, mild but not completely tasteless flavor of malt and hops, slight bitter aftertaste. |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Yazoo |
Beer | Pale Ale |
Type | Pale Ale |
Color | Nice yellow color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slight hop aroma |
Taste | Pleasant bitterness, clean aftertaste. |
Comments | Nice pale ale. |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Yazoo |
Beer | Dos Perros |
Type | mexican brown ale |
Color | Dark brown color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Little fragrance, slight malt aroma |
Taste | Strong malt taste at first, finish is clean with no aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Highland |
Beer | Oatmeal Porter |
Type | Porter |
Color | Dark brown color |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Little aroma |
Taste | Smooth taste all the way through, little bitterness, finish is clean with no aftertaste. |
Comments | Only drawback: seems to lack carbonation. Still like this one. The wife liked this one also. |
Rating | 7 |
Brewer | Fort Collins Brewery |
Beer | Chocolate Stout |
Type | Stout |
Color | Dark brown, almost black color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Little aroma |
Taste | Smooth malty taste, little bitterness, a slight aftertaste that is off. |
Comments | OK except for the slight, awkward aftertaste. |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Left Handing Brewing |
Beer | Milk Stout |
Type | Stout |
Color | Dark brown color |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Little aroma |
Taste | Smooth malty taste, slight milk like aftertaste which was surprisingly pleasant. |
Comments | Good beer. |
Rating | 7 |
Brewer | Shock Top |
Beer | Belgian White |
Type | Belgian wheat ale |
Color | Dark yellow, murky light orange color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | A slight skunky type odor |
Taste | Mild wheat flavor; mild bitterness; clean finish; no aftertaste. |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Monthy Python's |
Beer | Holy Grail Ale |
Type | Ale |
Color | Amber, clear color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Not much aroma, a little bit of hops |
Taste | Smooth, little bitterness, little aftertaste. |
Comments | It's OK, not much flavor but smooth. |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Abita |
Beer | Pecan Harvest |
Type | Ale |
Color | Amber, cloudy color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slight hop aroma |
Taste | Smooth taste, little bitterness, very slight pecan flavor - could be a bit stronger; very slight bitter aftertaste. OK |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Dundee |
Beer | Oktoberfest |
Type | Marzen lager |
Color | Dark, clear, amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Mild malty aroma |
Taste | initial taste is a strong malty flavor, slightly bitter; finish with slight malty aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Lost Coast Brewery and Café |
Beer | Great White Beer |
Type | Light Ale with wheat |
Color | Light golden color, little cloudy |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Slight aroma |
Taste | Smooth, light taste, no bitterness; mild aftertaste; Good mild beer for guests. |
Comments | OK. The wife liked this one also. |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Flying Dog |
Beer | In-Heat Wheat Hefeweizen |
Type | Hefeweizen |
Color | Dark amber color, slightly cloudy |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Slight wheat aroma |
Taste | Smooth, light taste, a slight bitterness; mild aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Redhook Ale Brewery |
Beer | Late Harvest |
Type | Ale |
Color | Medium amber color, cloudy |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Slight hop aroma |
Taste | Some slight bitterness at first, clean finish with little aftertaste. |
Comments | I like this one. |
Rating | 7 |
Brewer | Sierra Nevada |
Beer | Pale Ale |
Type | Pale Ale |
Color | Light clear amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Nice hop aroma |
Taste | Strong bitterness at beginning, fades quickly, clean aftertaste. |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Cerveza Mexicali |
Beer | Special Dark Beer |
Type | Dark Beer |
Color | Clear, dark color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slightly skunky aroma |
Taste | Strong bitterness at beginning, a little skunky bitterness; lingering bitter aftertaste. |
Comments | Lingering aftertaste was unpleasant. |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Boulder Beer Company |
Beer | Hazed and Infused |
Type | Dry hopped Ale |
Color | Slightly cloudy amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Mild hop aroma |
Taste | Strong tasteful hoppy bitterness at beginning; pleasant fading aftertaste. |
Comments | This is a good hoppy beer. |
Rating | 8 |
Brewer | Kingfisher Premium |
Beer | Premium Lager Beer |
Type | Lager |
Color | Very slight cloudiness, light amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Strange hop aroma |
Taste | Skunkiness taste at beginning; little to no aftertaste. |
Comments | I did not care for this one. |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Spaten |
Beer | Oktoberfest |
Type | Oktoberfest |
Color | Clear, rich amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Nice clean hop aroma |
Taste | Pleasant bitter hop taste at first; finishes clean with no aftertaste. |
Comments | Excellent beer. Although this beer is just as bitter as others, the bitterness is of a different type and is pleasant to both the nose and palette. The bitterness almost has a flowery type aspect to it. I'm guessing a different type of hop is used in this beer. |
Rating | 9 |
Brewer | Redhook Ale Brewery |
Beer | ESB Original Ale |
Type | Ale |
Color | Medium amber color, cloudy |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Slight skunky hop aroma |
Taste | Some slight bitterness at first, clean finish with little aftertaste |
Comments | It was OK, bitterness was a little skunky. |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Bluegrass Brewing |
Beer | Amber Ale |
Type | German Style Altbier |
Color | Dark amber color, slightly cloudy |
Carbonation | Low |
Aroma | Slight malt aroma |
Taste | Smooth, light taste, a slight bitterness; mild aftertaste |
Comments | It was OK. |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | O'haras |
Beer | Irish Stout |
Type | Stout |
Color | Dark, almost black color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Very little aroma, slight malt aroma |
Taste | Smooth taste all the way through, little bitterness, finish is clean with no aftertaste. |
Comments | Only drawback: seems to lack carbonation. Still like this one. The wife liked this one also. |
Rating | 7 |
Brewer | Dixie |
Beer | Blackened Vodoo Lager |
Type | Lager |
Color | Dark brown, cloudy, color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slight malty aroma with a little skunkiness |
Taste | Mild malty taste at first with a strange flavor I cannot place, no aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Wolters |
Beer | Pilsener |
Type | Pilsner |
Color | Clear, light yellow-orange color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Very slight aroma |
Taste | mild bitterness with slight skunkiness, no aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Napa Smith |
Beer | Wheat Beer |
Type | Wheat Beer |
Color | Slightly cloudy, light orange-yellow color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slight aroma - can't really place the odor, wheat maybe? |
Taste | Strange taste with a lingering unpleasant aftertaste |
Comments | I did not like this one. |
Rating | 2 |
Brewer | Cerveza Mexicali |
Beer | Original Formula |
Type | Ale |
Color | Clear, light yellow color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slight skunky aroma |
Taste | Initial skunkiness, quickly subsides, very slight aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 6 |
Brewer | Harpoon Brewery |
Beer | Hefeweizen |
Type | Unfiltered Wheat beer |
Color | Slightly cloudy, light golden color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Sharp bitter smell - not skunky |
Taste | Nice initial bitterness, quickly subsides to a pleasant finish with no aftertaste |
Comments | This is the first wheat beer I have liked. |
Rating | 8 |
Brewer | Fuller's |
Beer | London Porter |
Type | Porter |
Color | Dark, almost black color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Strange, skunky aroma |
Taste | Initial skunky bitterness with a lasting, unpleasant aftertaste |
Comments | I could barely finish the bottle. |
Rating | 1 |
Brewer | Highland |
Beer | St Terese's Pale Ale |
Type | Pale Ale |
Color | Clear, dark amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Very slight hop aroma |
Taste | Initial taste is a slight skunky bitterness, finishes clean with little to no aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Paulaner |
Beer | Oktoberfest Marzen |
Type | Oktoberfest |
Color | Clear, dark amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Mild hop aroma |
Taste | Initial taste is a skunky bitterness, finishes with a lingering slightly skunky aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 3 |
Brewer | Bridgeport |
Beer | India Pale Ale |
Type | Pale Ale |
Color | Very cloudy, amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Mild hop and orange armoa |
Taste | Initial taste is a mild skunky bitterness, finishes with a slight bitter aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Boulder Beer Company |
Beer | Singletrack Copper Ale |
Type | Copper Ale |
Color | Clear, medium amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Mild skunky aroma |
Taste | Slight initial bitterness, clean finish with small amount of aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Harpoon Brewery |
Beer | Oktoberfest Beer |
Type | Marzen lager |
Color | Clear, dark amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Very slight hop aroma |
Taste | Initial taste is a slight skunky bitterness, finishes clean with little to no aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 5 |
Brewer | Saranac |
Beer | Caramel Porter |
Type | Porter |
Color | Dark brown, almost black |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Odor is an odd aroma that is a sweet caramel-like smell |
Taste | Initial taste has strong flavor of caramel mixed with some bitterness, finishes with slight bitter aftertaste |
Comments | I found the flavor odd, not necessarily unpleasant, just odd, could probably only drink one. |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Spaten-Brau |
Beer | Franziskaner Weissbier |
Type | Dunkel |
Color | Slightly cloudy, medium brown color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | Slightly skunky aroma |
Taste | initial taste has strong bitterness that is slightly skunky, finishes with very slight aftertaste |
Comments | OK |
Rating | 4 |
Brewer | Sam Adams |
Beer | Noble Pils |
Type | Five hop beer |
Color | Slightly cloudy, light amber color |
Carbonation | Good |
Aroma | A strong aroma that is slightly fruity, kinda honey-like, and slightly bitter |
Taste | Bitter, pleasant hop taste at first, a little fruity/sweet taste immediately follows, no aftertaste |
Comments | Different than other hop-heavy beers. Has a slight sweet, fruitiness to it. A pleasant bitterness. Not as bitter as I expected for a beer with lots of hops. |
Rating | 7 |
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